Photo by Alexey Demidov on Unsplash

The Bracelet

Daisy Brennan


It had lain on the dusty floor of the rundown house for countless days and nights, a beaded bracelet, its colours eroded by time. Dangling from its clasp were what look like a pair of fangs, their colour a shade of pallid brown. As the sun pushed its rays through the cracks on the wall of the rundown house, the bracelet caught the light and the fangs’ pallid colour seemed to grow even paler.

The nightmare seemed almost real and Marrione woke up with a start, her heart pounding wildly. Almost immediately, she felt an excruciating pain in her left eye and at the base of her skull and it made her scream. She cupped her left eye with her hand and held the back of her head with the other as if to numb the pain but the pain persisted. She could feel them swollen with her hands.

Sweat trickled down her flushed face and yet, she could feel the chill in her bones and even more so as the night air breezed through the cracks on the wall and through the half-opened window.

Marrione felt like every ounce of strength had been drained from her body that even pulling her cardigan tightly around her took so much effort from her trembling hands.

Marrione looked around but she could hardly open her left eye. She tried to think where she was. The place was dark and unfamiliar, illuminated slightly by the light of the full moon, streaming through the half-opened

